Doubt Steals God’s Best
In Matthew 14: 22-31, Jesus turned the disciples doubt into victory. When Jesus told Peter to “Come” he walked on the water. Then Peter saw the waves were boisterous, became afraid and began to sink (doubt). He cried out to Jesus, “Save Me”. Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of Peter.
In verse 29, the word “Come” that Jesus said to Peter gave him every right to do as Jesus had commanded. Peter walked on the water.
In Matthew 17:14-21, A man brought his epileptic son to Jesus. He had carried the son to the disciples and they could not heal him. The disciples went to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”
In verse 20, Jesus told the disciples, “Because of your unbelief.” If we have doubt and unbelief in any situation, we will not have victory over the problem. We must have “Faith” that what we are believing and praying for will be done for us.