Cast all your cares on the Lord
1Peter 5: 6-8 Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Cast all your cares on Him. We carry a lot of things around when we should give them to the Lord. Exalt Him in due season. We are in the due season now. God expects us to lean on Him and trust Him. We should go to the Father and ask Him when we have needs. When we cast our cares on Him, we have to wait for Him. Verse 8 tells us that the devil is always looking for someone he can devour (destroy). We must be sober and be vigilant. We must cast our cares on the Lord and leave them there.
John 14:13 says that the Father will do what we ask in His name. He will do it His way, not our way.
Philippians 4:4-7 tells us to Rejoice in the Lord. Again, I say rejoice. Be anxious for nothing. Make your request be know to God. But in everything with supplication and Thanksgiving. After we learn of be thankful then we can let our request be known to God.