Part 11 The force of fear vs. the force of Faith
Genesis 3:1-3 The serpent came to Eve, tempting her to eat of the fruit in the midst of the garden and told her, “Surely you will not die.”
In verse 3 God said, “But of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, you shall not eat of it, lest you die”.
The serpent deceived Eve, she listened to the enemy.
When we let the enemy fill us with doubt then fear comes in. After Adam and Eve failed, then satan became god of this world.
If we hold on to what God has promised us, we will not be defeated. When sin comes in, then fear comes in.
In verse 11 God asked Adam who told him he was naked? That is when fear came in.
In the New Testament, the disciples walked with the Lord everyday listening to His teachings, yet they were amazed at the miracles He performed. When you have needs, get in the Bible and find scriptures (promises) that fit the situation you are in and then hold on to that promise. Your faith has to be stronger than your doubt.
Other scriptures referenced in this teaching are:
Numbers 13:25-27 – The fruits of God’s promise
Genesis 12:2-4 – God’s promise to Abraham
Genesis 22:1-5 – Abraham’s Faith Confirmed