How to Minister to the Hurting
People all around us are hurting.
Ephesians 4:8-15 tells us to come together in unity of faith.
John 7:37 tells us that if we want to please God we have to live by faith.
You have to believe what the Bible says, not according to what man says. We are here to minister to people with compassion and grace.
Mark 16:15-18 tells us to go into all the world to teach the Gospel. This verse was written to the disciples, but is meant for us today as well.
Matthew 28:16 We are told to go therefore to preach the Word. We have been given authority to preach and teach the Word of God.
Luke 10:19 God has given us power to trample over Satan. Every believer has the power. Every believer is God’s Minister. Christians are witnesses for Christ.
John 2:20 We have an anointing rom the Holy One (the Holy Spirit).
II Corinthians 5:18 Our first ministry to others is to minister reconciliation, to reach Jesus Christ (Minister to the lost.)
Secondly, to minister healing the sick and thirdly, to pray the prayer of agreement to the hurting and oppressed.