Focus on the Unseen
Don’t focus on the things that you can see but focus on the unseen. Use the eyes of faith. The world has always had problems and if you focus on worldly things you will take on those problems. Focus on God’s Word and that which you cannot see. Hope in God will anchor your soul. Have faith.
Can God Take Care of Me
God has given us the answer to the test. Study His Word and you will pass with flying colors. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by sin. Rely on God and have faith that He will deliver you. God can take care of you in the midst of everything that you’re going through. He will take care of you!
The Lord is watching over all of us just as He has watched over His children in the bible. In Malachi 3:6 we learn that God does not change. He is the same God today as he was yesterday. God is able to deliver your soul from death. Our God is in heaven but His eyes are on the affairs of men. God is watching over us. Can God take care of you? Absolutely!
Bringing Us Through the Wilderness
In Proverbs 15:3 we learn that God is watching everything. There is nothing hidden from God. He sees all. Hebrews 4:13 teaches us that we will have to give an account to God at some point. God took care of the children of Israel in the wilderness and He will take care of you today. No matter what wilderness you are in God will take care of you. All of us can look back on things in our lives and see where God has helped us through our wilderness challenges.
God provided for Elijah through the widow with her meager provisions. In 1 Kings 17:8-16 we learn that the widows plan was to prepare her last meal and perish. Not a good plan. God took care of Elijah, the widow and her son. A mere handful of flour and a little oil lasted them many days. God brought the widow through her wilderness of having no food. God always has a way out for us. Just as in Isaiah 12:2 He is our salvation!
There’s a war between good and evil and we see it. We are not blind to the ways of the world. God is exposing their lies. Have faith that He will bring us through the wilderness and the attacks of the enemy. Isaiah 26:3-4 shows us that we can trust in the Lord forever for He is our everlasting strength. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and victory is yours. Jesus came to give us life abundantly.
Focus on the Unseen
Don’t lean on what you know. Trust in God. Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.” Don’t focus on the things that you can see but focus on the unseen. trust in the Lord. Have faith in God.
Anchor Your Soul in God
In Hebrews 6:19 we learn that God is our anchor.
Anchor your soul in the Word of God. Hoe in God will anchor your soul. What does an anchor do? An anchor holds in place whatever it is attached to. Attach your self to God and you will not be moved. We can have confidence that God will do exactly what His Word says. God will take care of you.
Are you looking to move from hope into faith? The answer is right there in the Word. Watch our latest video teaching using the link below and join us every Sunday for more of God’s Word. Learn how to get out of hope and move into faith as you grow in the Word of the Lord.
Be sure to recite along with Pastor Derrick at the end of the video. Trust in God.