The Value of Freedom
Do you value freedom? You cannot put a price on freedom. Satan does not want us to be free. Because we live in a fallen world, Satan will attack you from all sides.
I believe America’s best days are ahead of us. I believe that God has a special relationship with America.
1Peter 2:9 says that “We are a chosen generation, a Holy nation, a special people.”
We want to be part of a Holy victorious church. If you value freedom you will stay with what God says. America is a Christian nation.
Romans 8:21-23 says, “There is no bondage with God.” Jesus fought and died for our liberty and our freedom. Our declaration of freedom is founded in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We can use our freedom to worship and to serve God.
Philippians 2:11 tells us that “Every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” This is where our true liberty comes from, though the blood shed from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Take a moment to watch the following video and read the word of God n the links provided above. God wants us to be free.